Affirmations for a Better Life

Affirmations are statements that can support you in manifesting powerful change. Write or say these statements at any time (some people do so daily) and use them to support a shift in your consciousness or feeling state. It is important that the affirmations you select resonate with you, that is, that they feel natural and appropriate. In order to choose statements that feel right, you may need to change words in the statements listed here, or let these inspire you to create your own.

  • I relax knowing all in my life is well.
  • I know that I count and act as if I do.
  • I let go and trust that everything is happening perfectly.
  • I peacefully allow my life to unfold.
  • Every day I expand my comfort zone by allowing for risks.
  • Whatever happens in any situation, I know I can handle it.
  • I live my life to the fullest.
  • I expect good things to come to me.
  • I focus on my many blessings and have every expectation that my good will be met.
  • I create meaning and purpose with whatever life hands me.
  • I release all doubt and fear and move into a state of positive flow.
  • I accept myself as I am and create peace in my heart.
  • I am loved and safe.
  • I find value in all aspects of my life.
  • My faith lifts me above all fears.

Affirmations are used in hypnotherapy in order to reprogram the subconscious mind. By using them in your “awake” state, you are also accessing their power by allowing yourself to “hear” a new way to be. The purpose of using affirmations is to open to allow something healthy to become. In addition, they can help us shift our attention from less empowering actions such as “getting” or “taking,” to more freeing concepts, such as “receiving,” “accepting,” and “allowing.”

As you work more and more with affirmations, you can make them part of your daily life. Remember, you are already using statements or affirmations every time you think or speak. If your current thoughts are less helpful, you can intentionally change them to ones that will help you shift into a more meaningful life!

Live By Faith, Not By Fear

Early in life you had two primary motivations: to survive and not to be abandoned. Primarily, you learned to be acceptable and to wear an “adaptive” mask in order to manage your fears. Hence, the result can be a lifetime dance with fear and faith.

If you accept that your thoughts create your reality, then one of the major problems with unconscious fear (anxiety below the surface) is that the brain can be dancing in a state of constant anticipation of negative experiences, reacting to life rather than responding to it.

From a standpoint of evolution, this act was probably designed to protect you, yet holding on to a low-grade fever of fear can certainly undermine the quality of your life.

Here are some steps to practice thinking differently and coming from faith rather than fear:

1. Holding awareness is the key to escaping cycles of fear. Pay attention to your “inner voice” and release any negative thoughts by reminding yourself that all is well. Recognize that constantly anticipating the worst case scenario is not helpful, but rather is harmful.

2. Recognize when you are reacting rather than responding and check to see whether or not any of your thoughts about potential outcome are really warranted.

3. Ask a person you trust to help you look at your expectations while teasing out what is real and not real.

4. A coach or supportive friend can help you to have a safe environment in which to explore being you and to shift your perceptions.

5. Decide that you can handle life and you will be able to.

6. Decide what positive things you DO want to create in your life and give energy to that vision.

7. Hold a positive outlook overall (“like attracts like”), and remember that while fear disrupts your focus, hope enhances and focuses your attention.

8. Imagine a positive outcome in all your situations.

9. Spend at least five minutes per day daydreaming about the great life you desire as you bring it into being!

10. Re-frame your fear by looking through the lens of FAITH!

Peaceful vs. Right

Your soul’s essence is connectedness, and it thrives on relationship. Ancient people knew this instinctively and recognized that their survival depended upon each other—-they needed to cooperate to thrive in their world.

When we understand that we are related to every form of life on this planet and we become a partner with the Universe, we can then begin to act on behalf of our world.

So whether it is your co-worker, partner, or relative–or the stranger in another country–you will respond differently to others when you feel a sense of connectedness rather than separation. In fact, when I teach in Japan, I have learned that it is believed that “all pain is a result of separation”–whether that separation occurs in your community, family, or in your body.

When we remember the value of oneness and cooperation, we begin to look at one another differently. We find that our lives become calmer, and we are less attached to specific outcomes.

As a result, we can decide to give up arguing—-one argument at a time.

We can choose to be peaceful rather than right.

A Tale of Two Wolves

two wolves
Today, I was reminded of one of my favorite Native American legends and wanted to share it with you:
One evening an old Cherokee chief told his grandson about life.
He said, “My son, a fight is going on inside me.  It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.”
“One is evil–he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt, and ego.”
“The other is good–he is joy, peace, love, hope,
serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.”
“This same fight is going on inside you–and inside every other person, too.”
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”
The old chief simply replied, “The one you feed.”
-A Cherokee Legend-

Healing Your Heart From The Inside Out

Join me on August 14, 2018, from 6:00-8:00 p.m., at Sentara Virginia Beach General Hospital, Virginia Beach, VA, for a new seminar, Healing Your Heart From The Inside Out. This two-hour seminar will guide you through powerful principles to help heal your heart! I will help you contribute to your own excellent heart health by understanding:

  • The power of a “whole health system” approach
  • How changing your perspective can change your heart
  • How emotional states have medical consequences
  • How you can build your immune system
  • How self-awareness can help you de-stress
  • How your biography becomes your biology
  • How changing your story can heal your heart!

And so much more!

Don’t miss this engaging and informative seminar, sponsored by Deepak Talreja, MD, Cardiovascular Associates!

If you’re ready to improve your life? Click: Register