The Heartliving Hour with Dr. Cynthia Bischoff

Hearts in Sync on Zoom!

Welcome to the “Heartliving Hour on Zoom,” a monthly Heartliving signature program which was launched in May 2020, has had attendees from over ten different states, and has received excellent reviews. Sign up now to secure your space and to receive the Zoom link you will need! Program dates, topic, and three payment options are explained in this message.

February 2025 Heartliving Hour

“Healing Your Heart in Troubled Times”

Presented by Cynthia Bischoff, PhD

During this heart month, give yourself the gift of healing! This Heartliving Hour “Healing Your Heart in Troubled Times” is so appropriate in that your energy field registers experiences constantly. The heart is considered the home of one’s spirit. When the energy around us is troubled or chaotic because of our own choices or collective choices of the world around us, our heart suffers.

This heart month, you will engage in energy exercises and learn tools that create deep healing. Allow your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual connections to be brought together to create energetic wholeness.

Full of practical tools and wisdom, this program will help you explore through lecture, energy exercises, and meditations how to…

  • Hold a witness view that takes you above the chaos around you

  • Redirect your energy to generate wellness and hope

  • Use your mental power to create inner peace and a healthy body

  • Clear mental and emotional clutter

  • Strengthen your energy field and immune system

  • Engage in healing rituals for greater health and well-being

  • Bring greater peace into your own heart this heart month!

Each week, in addition to receiving inspiring in-depth information, teaching methods include practical tools, exercises, meditation, and hypnotherapy.

It is my passion to help you improve your well-being.

Blessings, Cynthia

P.S. Feel free to forward this information to others. All details are at the website link: Link: Heartliving Hour. This program is a great heart gift to give a friend or yourself!


Read all the following:


Choose one of the three options:

___  Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 p.m. on February 5, 12, 19, 26 ….$50 Total fee

___  Thursdays, 12:00-1:00 p.m. on February 6, 13, 20, 27 ….$50 Total fee

___  Unlimited Flexibility to attend any or all classes on Wednesday and/or Thursday …$75 Total Fee

While the topic each week on the two different hours will be the same, the viewing is live so the delivery may vary slightly in content. Unlimited access allows you to choose EITHER viewing option or to watch BOTH hours each week for the whole month.


To register, you may choose one of the following options for payment.

Venmo: If you have a Venmo account (which you can do through the Venmo app), you can pay Cynthia under her vendor name: @Heartliving. Be sure to let her know your name, email, and phone number.

PayPal: If you have a PayPal account, you can pay Cynthia under her vendor name: Be sure to let her know your name, email, and phone number.

EMAIL: Email with your number and request that she call you to take your name, phone number, email, and credit card information over the phone.

No refunds apply.


Important Note: Whatever method of payment you use, be sure to email Cynthia at to provide the following information:

Your name, email address, and phone number . . . and your chosen viewing option and payment option. Remember that Cynthia will need your email in order to send you the Zoom information.

Please share with others whom you think may be interested!

Questions? Contact The Heartliving Hour is open to anyone who is seeking guidance on life’s journey!


Zoom is a free, easy-to-use app that will work on your computer,

iPad, or iPhone. It will capture Cynthia speaking to you live on video as she shares her wisdom with you in the one-hour program each week. Learn from the comfort of your own home!

Once you register, you will be sent an email that provides you a link to Zoom with instructions on how to be present on Zoom for the weekly program below that you have chosen.


Dr. Cynthia Lynch Bischoff, international life coach, author, holistic practitioner, and motivational speaker, is the host of The Heartliving Hour on Zoom. With 40 years of teaching experience and 27 years as founder of her motivational business Heartliving®, Cynthia will share her extensive wisdom to help you embrace life’s lessons and navigate your life’s journey as you set the conditions for greater health and well-being. Cynthia has worked for years in the U.S., Japan, and Europe teaching her Heartliving® methods designed to help you live your life more fully. Her passion is to help you transform your life! Cynthia has been the recipient of the City of Norfolk, VA, Holistic Practitioner Award 14 years in a row, inducting her into the City’s Business Hall of Fame. She currently resides in Carefree, Arizona.