Every day is a new beginning.  For most of us, the alarm ringtone starts our awakening to a new day.  Often we get up quickly and hasten to the shower or the kitchen, whatever our favorite ritual to begin our day.

Whatever our routine, we must remember most of all that each day holds a promise for a new beginning.  Every day you have an opportunity to “erase the slate” and create the day that you want to have.  Reminding yourself of this idea can be a powerful part of your daily ritual.

Here are a few tips:

  • Before going to bed in the evening, spend some time in prayer and reflection by remembering the blessings of your day–the challenges and the accomplishments–in essence, the learning.
  • The fact that you wake up and have another day is in itself a blessing.
  • On awakening each new day, before getting out of bed, remember to express gratitude for this new day and an opportunity to be of service and to extend love and joy to others.
  • Decide in the morning that, in addition to any specific intention you might have, this is your chance to start anew.
  • Forgive yourself and others for anything that has troubled you.
  • Be determined every day to make this a great day.
  • Your intention may involve a desire to improve yourself somehow, whether this means reading a book, exercising, calling an old friend, or doing a neighbor a favor.
  • Decide that you will be the best version of yourself today!