Love Keep Faith Japan picYou were born a child of pure potential and possibility. 

So, what does that mean?  . . . You can influence the outcome of this play you’re starring in called “Life”!  You see, each of came in to this world to participate in each other’s dramas, and in doing so, to advance the growth of each other’s souls.  We participate by learning life lessons together.

So if you came into this world to learn the value of forgiveness, for example,  then surely you’ll have to have someone to forgive.  And, if you came in to learn how not to give away your power, then surely someone will have to try to take it.  And if you came in to learn how to be more independent, then you may find yourself in a situation where you are all alone, so that you can learn how to depend upon yourself.

So you see, all our life challenges are here for each of us to overcome, to learn, and to grow.   And here’s the good news:  your script involves a lifetime of days.

You know, sometimes I have had clients tell me that they feel like they’ve screwed up their lives and have no way to “course correct.”   So I remind them that every day is but a sacred dot on the map of their lives. Each new scene affords them a new opportunity.  Every day that you wake up and get back on life’s stage, you have a new chance to respond differently this time, to create a new outcome.  –Because NOW it can be different.

It’s also very important to remember that all cast members (family, friends, even seeming enemies) are  souls just like you seeking to learn and heal, and one of the most important ways you can learn and heal is by delving deeper into your own heart’s consciousness.   You can begin to use your heart as your compass and to embrace the value and power of love, kindness, compassion.

NOTE:  I created a YouTube video on this very topic to give you hope; it is at my YouTube Channel:  HeartlivingVideo.  The title?  “Up Until Now”  The link: