elephant in roomIs there an “elephant in your room”?

Apparently the phrase was first coined in the 1950’s,  It caught on and was intended to mean, according to the “Phrase Finder,” — “an important and obvious topic, which everyone present is aware of, but which isn’t discussed, as such discussion is considered to be uncomfortable.”

Perhaps the elephant in the room refers to something we are in denial about, or something that would be too embarrassing to talk about, or maybe something we would prefer not to address.

So the elephant keeps taking up space, blocking our movement, and causing us to go around it.  By not attending to it, we may also be neglecting real living.

Is there something in your life calling on you for your attention, something that would improve your life if addressed?  And perhaps, it wouldn’t feel at the moment like it would improve your life, but in the long run, it would.  Does this involve just you (perhaps a decision) or your relationship with another or both?  Are you willing to explore the elephant in your room?

I heard once that DENIAL is an acronym for “Don’t Even Notice I Am Lying.”  Most often, the elephant keeps growing and taking up space.

Why not take this blog as a directional arrow?  Address an issue, decide to work through something, and improve your life.  Be a little courageous!