Communicating effectively whether at work or at home can improve your relationships and resolve all types of issues.

Being able to listen attentively through effective body language and eye contact is essential. It is likewise helpful to refer to the other person’s actions rather than to their sense of person. For example, if you use “I” statements rather than “you” statements, you are generally more effective. “I feel concerned. . .” is better than “You are doing that wrong.”

Here are some tips for more effective communication:

1. Listen carefully to what others say and refrain from thinking of your own response instead of listening.

2. Seek to resolve problems without being too emotional in your exchange.

3. Write down how you feel if you are emotionally charged and leave it aside for a few hours. Come back to it and re-evaluate your tone before sending any email or letter out.

4. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes in order to better understand the opposing viewpoint.

5. Be able to lighten up and even laugh at yourself in order to lessen tension.

6. Time your exchanges right. Don’t expect a person to listen when he/she is walking out the door.

7. Say you are sorry if you are: Being able to take responsibility for your errors will actually relieve your own stress.

8. Be kind not only to others, but also to yourself. Celebrate your communication successes!